is helping people change their relationship with alcohol


Prescription medication suppresses cravings, allowing people to return to safe drinking levels without needing to quit.


Complete privacy between you and your LifeBac provider through HIPAA-approved in-app telemedicine. Medication is delivered discreetly and directly to your door.


Save money compared to continued heavy drinking or expensive treatment centers. Use our tool to calculate your savings today!

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Prescription Medication

Prescription medication allows people to quit or drink moderately without cravings.

Prescription craving-fighting medication is delivered discreetly to your door.

No Need To Quit

Continue to drink as normal; we'll help you gradually and naturally reduce your number of drinking days and drinks per day. Once you reach safe levels, you can continue to enjoy drinking or quit entirely. It’s your choice.

Set your own goals, just cut back, or quit entirely. It’s your choice.

Online Provider Visits

Regular online visits to tailor a plan specific to your individual circumstances. Your treatment information is kept strictly confidential between you and your provider.

Through secure, private telehealth visits, your provider will tailor a plan to your needs.

Personal LifeBac Guide

Through weekly check-ins (or however often you prefer), your personal LifeBac Guide will help you keep motivated, set goals, incorporate skills into your lifestyle, and navigate the LifeBac program.

Your personal LifeBac Guide will keep you motivated and on-track, and help you incorporate crucial skills.

You are in Control

Set your own goals and achieve them at your own pace! We are here to help with a personal guide, drink planning and tracking tools, goal setting, performance analysis and access to behavior change courses.

Set your own goals and achieve them at your own pace! You're at the wheel, we're just here to support you.

No Stigma or Shame

No labels, judgement, or shame. Our holistic solution lets you cut back by yourself and in private. Remove your cravings and unwind this deeply ingrained habit before it's too late.

Beat this in private and on your own terms. No labels, judgement, or shame.

See Our Reviews




Billed Monthly

  • Online Provider Visits
  • Medication To Your Door
  • Personal LifeBac Guide
  • Personalized Program and Monitoring
  • Goal Setting and Tracking
  • Save Money
  • Get Your Life Back

Book your FREE online consultation today!

Our Philosophy

Adi Jaffe, Ph.D. writes in The Abstinence Myth that problem-drinking is a symptom of a larger issue. Drinking helps take the edge off, but leaves unresolved issues behind. As life’s unresolved problems stack up, the drinking keeps up too.

The alcohol treatment industry uses the Jellinek curve to describe the timeline of alcohol addiction and recovery, with hitting rock bottom and abstaining permanently as essential parts of the recovery process.

LifeBac helps people who want to cut back their drinking take control before they slide into alcoholism. We're not a rehab or treatment clinic, but a collection of modern, science-based tools to empower people not just to avoid the downward spiral, but to improve their relationships, health, sleep focus and productivity.

Take control of your drinking today!


Naltrexone is an FDA-approved medication that suppresses the pleasurable effects of alcohol and reduces cravings over time. It allows people to either quit or drink moderately without cravings. Like the rest of our program, the goal depends on the individual—each person chooses their end goal.

Drinking alters how frequently the brain releases neurotransmitters, which affect how one thinks and feels. Quitting cold turkey leaves people with pleasure deficits that can last for decades and, for some, feel unendurable. That’s why relapses are frequent in abstinence programs, and that’s why we use medication: to counteract the effects of alcohol that cause cravings.

How it works

Alcohol cravings are complicated. But if we greatly simplify the process, so far as it is currently understood, it works something like this: When a person drinks, their body releases endorphins (opioid neuropeptides), which makes them feel good. It also triggers the brain’s reward system, which uses dopamine to “communicate” with a complex series of brain processes. Over time, the reward system begins to recognize alcohol as something toward which it should strongly respond. It adjusts accordingly, resulting in alcohol cravings.

Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist. It blocks neuroreceptors in the brain from receiving the endorphins that are released when one drinks alcohol. As a result, naltrexone stops the reward system before it even begins. This makes it highly effective as a treatment for AUD. Additionally, it isn’t habit-forming, has few side effects, and is safe to take for long periods when taken appropriately.

We create medication plans for each member of LifeBac and monitor their progress so they stay on track with the medication. That, combined with support from our LifeBac Guides, gives each individual a great chance to regain the ability to choose how much they drink.


Baclofen removes or strongly suppresses cravings for alcohol in 92% of people. These strong cravings are the #1 reason people have difficulty cutting back or quitting drinking. Clinical trials give Baclofen a 50% - 62% success rate returning treatment-resistant alcoholics to low- or medium-risk drinking. 50% of those who succeed using Baclofen go further and quit drinking entirely by choice. The less the person previously drank and the shorter the time, the less medication required.

LifeBac gives you the choice of whether you want to drink or not. When you do choose to drink, you’ll feel more satisfied much sooner. The result is significantly fewer drinking days and significantly fewer drinks on those days. Baclofen doesn’t, however, affect the taste of alcohol or the pleasure of drinking — it simply removes the addictive components that lead to overindulgence and allows you to drink in moderation.

Alcohol Cravings Completely Removed

In 2008, Dr. Olivier Ameisen, Weill Cornell Hospital cardiologist and the former first physician to the Prime Minister of France, discovered a solution to his chronic over-drinking after 8 rehab stints and 5000 AA meetings. He experimented on himself using baclofen to markedly decrease the release of dopamine in the reward pathway of the brain, diminishing or suppressing the conditioned response to alcohol. He reported

“complete suppression, not just a reduction in cravings; I am indifferent to it.”

Studies From the University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Anna Rose Childress from the University of Pennsylvania performed experiments on heroin users to assess the efficacy of baclofen (baclofen has been proven in humans to be effective for both alcohol and heroin cravings). Her experiments have shown that cravings result from the cue-triggered activation of the mesolimbic dopamine system, these cues can be so brief that they are outside of conscious awareness, yet produce robust activation within this circuitry. Baclofen is a GABAB receptor agonist that reduces the release of dopamine into this system elicited by alcohol cues and seems to do so at the very earliest onset of the dopamine rush so as to stop the craving from happening.

Video Link

An Excerpt from the HBO Documentary, "Addiction"

The cure for Over Drinking?

Doctors in Europe prescribe baclofen as the primary treatment for alcohol misuse. In France alone there are over 10,000 prescribing physicians and more than 300,000 people taking baclofen (from a population ⅙ of the U.S.) for help with alcohol cravings. It is in the process of being approved as the first-line alcohol treatment in Australia after a petition by the Royal Perth Hospital. In the U.S., the FDA has already approved the medication as safe (although originally as a muscle relaxant), it can be prescribed by U.S. physicians “off-label” for alcohol cravings. Unfortunately, only 1% of people seeking help with over-drinking in the U.S. currently receive the assistance of medication.

Results From Clinical Trials

Clinical trials in Europe have shown 50-62% success allowing treatment-resistant alcoholics to return to low-risk drinking levels or abstinence when using the Ameisen method of titrated (not fixed) dose. These studies also showed that 92% of patients had a noticeable reduction in cravings. Approximately 50% of those who were successful on baclofen decided themselves to quit entirely.

Several studies have not been as conclusive with many using flawed assumptions or goals, mostly too low a dose, too short a study, using fixed-dose instead of titration, or measuring only abstinence not achieving low-risk drinking. One study concluded that baclofen was no more effective than placebo, but its results showed both the placebo and Baclofen with a 65% success rate.

Baclofen treatment requires titration (slow dose increase) until cravings are completely removed or controlled (the effective dose) which varies widely between patients dependent on previous drinking habits. There is no necessity to detox or abstain just continue to drink normally. For most people the number of drinks per day will reduce naturally, others describe it as “flicking a switch”.

There can be minor side effects including tiredness, nausea, headaches or dizziness, they are usually easily manageable and go away within a few days. This happens mostly at the start. The vast majority of people persist as they pass in a couple of days when they occur, and the benefits of control over drinking far outweigh the temporary unpleasant side effects.

The LifeBac app and team manage each individual’s titration process minimizing side effects to deliver a life free of cravings and all the benefits of drinking at low-risk levels.

Other Benefits

Baclofen is processed by the kidneys, not the liver, so it is well-suited for alcohol treatment

Clinical trials show that baclofen significantly reduces or removes the effects of alcohol withdrawal.

Women and Alcohol Use

Between 2002 and 2013, Alcohol Use Disorder increased by 83.7% among women in the United States (NIAAA). In younger age groups, women already drink significantly more than men, and it's having an increasingly visible effect on their overall health. 1 in 6 women admit to having driven drunk in the past year, and 70% are consistently drinking at unsafe levels according to the WHO. A 2018 study found a steep overall rise in the number of alcohol-related ER visits between 2006 and 2014, but the increase was notably greater for women than men.

As a society, we often make the mistake of assuming over-drinking to be a male-dominated issue; up until 1961, women in Illinois were legally allowed to buy alcohol at 18 instead of 21, because it was believed that female drinking was never problematic. It's time we abandon these antiquated assumptions and face the truth: women are suffering now more than ever from problem-drinking, and must be supported.

Anxiety and Alcohol Use

Anxiety and Alcohol Use Disorder influence and maintain each other in a positive feedback loop. Anxiety often pushes people to drink, and excessive drinking is known to significantly increase anxiety, maintaining and worsening both issues in a "vicious cycle of comorbidity" (NIH: Anxiety and Alcohol Use Disorders). "Hangxiety" is the term coined for the rush of strong anxiety that comes on after a heavy drinking session, often late at night, interrupting sleep and further reinforcing the loop.

Baclofen is also used as an anxiolytic (a drug used to reduce anxiety). It works directly on the brain's reward pathways to reduce urges to drink alongside general anxiety, helping to reverse the cycle.

Be Mindful About Drinking

When processes are repeated for years or decades, the habit is tightly wound, it is possible to unwind the habit loop using mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness allows you to step back and see what is happening inside your mind and take action to step in and break the loop. “Habits can be described as automatic behavioral loops, involving triggers, behaviors, and rewards. For example, one may feel stressed (trigger), take a drink or two (behavior), and feel better (reward). When you attain (and, later, anticipate) the reward, your brain releases dopamine in a neural process that lays down a memory of that behavior and helps you learn to execute that behavior next time to attain the reward.” Judson Brewer, Ph.D.

Our Mission



We built LifeBac to show people with a drinking problem that there is a way out, a way to beat this problem and return to a normal life without the requirement of abstinence or “recovery”. The modern methods of combining medication to remove cravings, with behavior change to rewire habits can help people rebuild their lives, their careers, their health.

But our aim is to go further than that, by helping these people return to normal drinking habits and building their lives into something much better than their old view of “normal” we hope to also save many marriages and families. We feel that abundantly more healthy, happy people and better family lives is a worthy goal!



LifeBac is designed to turn the alcohol treatment upside down putting the person with the problem at the top, not at the bottom. Give that person all the tools to succeed, the power to choose their own path, their own goals, and how fast or slow they would like to get there. Give them medication so they control their drinking, not the other way around, and access to powerful behavior change programs.

This is very different from being at the bottom. Being told they have a disease and they need to succumb and do as they are told is their only hope.

For too long people with a drinking problem have been forced to keep their drinking problem secret lest they end up labeled an “alcoholic” and spend the rest of their days abstinent, fighting cravings, and in rehab or AA meetings.





Why are problem-drinkers still being treated with 1930’s treatments? Who would still go to the dentist if this was the treatment? It’s little wonder only 10% of problem-drinkers seek treatment at all when this is what they expect.

Our mission is to bring the very best modern treatments from around the globe and offer them in the privacy of the home or office. A combination of modern effective treatments using the best technology for the best results. No shame, no stigma, no judgment.

And let’s remove the shame about talking about alcohol problems now that there are effective treatments. 33% of people confess lying to their doctor about how much they drink for fear of the consequences. Let’s talk about our successes and help more people!

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